Sunday, July 23, 2017


On the heels of one of the most difficult periods in my life...unexpected return of my anxiety issues
Me, in my happy place: My front porch.
followed by an unexpected return of some physical health problems (yeah, I know, I haven't written much about all my physical health problems. That's to come!), I find success. Yes, success in my writing! If you've followed along my writing journey, you know that it has been one of more valleys than hills.

As a result of struggling with my health over the last few years, I let go of trying so hard and rediscovered why I like to write to begin with—because I have something to say, something to share, and I want to be heard.

Here is what happens when you let go, write from your deepest and most honest place in your heart...people want to publish your work and you don't have to agonize over it anymore.

Below is what has been happening with my writing lately...

I've had more work published in the last 8 months than in the previous five years. Five years where I was trying, with an agent, to get manuscripts bought and published. Five years of self doubt and trying to please some phantom editor that never manifested or said yes. Below are pieces that felt natural to write and were not the product of trying to please anyone.

I share this with you on the heels of an acceptance email from a publication that is paying me for my story of the journey with my mental health. I can't wait to share that one with you, too. More to come!

Happy summer!

MindBodyGreen, July 12th, 2017
The Mighty, March 15, 2017
The Mighty, December 3, 2016.

1 comment:

Joanne Carnevale said...

I read the primer, and now I have even more questions. I appreciate that you added "feel the fear and do it anyway" because I always need that reminder. Endless congrats and mazel tov always coming your way.