Welcome to my new blog series! Over the next few weeks, I will be featuring interviews of authors from all over the globe who write in a wide variety of genres. Being an author in 2019 is exciting as there are so many opportunities to share your work online, and this is my way of contributing to the movement.
In an effort to support my author friends (and yes, to market myself) I created this simple interview comprised of 9 (thank you J.D. Salinger) questions with the intention to introduce you into the write/author's mind (yikes!) and world.
We begin the series with my author-brother from Black Rose Writing, Robert E. Kearns, who comes to us from Dublin, Ireland.

Robert E. Kearns
What message are you hoping people will receive when they read your book?
My desire is for the reader to discover a book with a great story as well as terrific writing.
Why did you write this book?
I wanted to prove that ambitions can be fulfilled. It is possible to write a good novel in your forties.
What has been the hardest part of the publishing process?
Every bit of it is tough. Even after a publisher is found, which in itself is a major hurdle to overcome; there remains the challenge of getting your book noticed. None of it is easy.
What has been the biggest (pleasant) surprise in your publishing journey?
That a debut novelist can write a book a publisher thinks is worth picking up. It’s a surprise in some ways a wonderful feeling in others.
Would you write a sequel to your book? Why or why not?
Perhaps in the future. There might be one waiting to be written. Right now though, I have a different project in the works.
What author or book has influenced your writing?
I’m influenced by great writing from the masters of literature.
You are stranded on an island with only 3 books. What are their titles?
My own book has Island in the title, so maybe that should be one of them. I’d argue with myself over the other two ☺
What is your philosophy about rejection?
Each one takes you closer to a Yes.
Do you have a day job? What is it?
Follow Robert on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RobertEKearns/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobertEKearns
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robertekearns/
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